The Gut Talk
I had a wonderful and a small batch of Intuitive Communication at Pune a few years ago. The venue was a beautiful home of two of the participants. They have two lovely sibling male cats at home who were very helpful throughout the two days of the workshop. The hosts were warm, the ambience was perfect, and the energies were in complete synergy for Intuitive communication.
Through the discussions, we explored how animal communication could help the participants at a personal level to clear certain imbalances in their lives. One of the participants mentioned that he was suffering from a lot of digestive issues and would love to dive in deeper about it with the help of telepathy.

A few months later, I received a call from this communicator. As we got talking about his practise through these months, and his journey post the workshop, he shared a beautiful anecdote with me. He had a lot of guilt because of a lost pet, and because he couldn’t adopted the third brother of the two cats he had at home. Soon after their adoption he had gone missing and that was bothering this gentleman. During the workshop we spoke to the deceased pet, and well as the lost cat.
Both animals advised him to let go off his guilt, and reassured him that he was in no capacity responsible for what has happened to them. It is their journey to experience and enjoy. He has no reason to feel responsible for the same. This conversation greatly lifted the communicator’s spirits. A few days after the workshop he noticed that his digestive issues have reduced and he had started feeling comfortable and healthy again.
He didn’t stop at that though. He took the intuitive communication a step further and communicated with his gut bacteria! They collectively responded to him saying he could lead normal life, and eat what he likes. The only caution he received was no avoid overeating gluten foods. Anything in moderation wouldn’t hurt him and that the gut bacteria will support and defend him from further issues.

And viola! Just like that his health improved. In a matter of a couple of months he had seen an amazing improvement in his health, by just following the advice he received from his own body mechanism. I was simply overwhelmed by his openness to receive messages from his gut bacteria without having even an iota of self doubt and skepticism.
This story reiterated the power of communication to me. Along with proper medical help, communicating with our own body and receiving its messages freely can help us improve our quality of life. Like in other cases, here too it is important to use communication alongside proper medical aid. We are not doctors, and no one should take the place of experts. However communication definitely can help in resolving deeper issues as proved by this case.
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