How to communicate intuitively?

The most frequently asked question I get about animal communication is if everyone can do it, or if we have to be gifted with the ability. I cannot stress enough on the fact that Intuitive communication is our mother tongue and we are all born with it. So Animal Communication is possible for anyone who has an open mind and heart to receive messages from other species.

Don’t believe me? Do it as you read this. Clear your mind of all the stray thoughts. You do not need to be blank, that is quite difficult. Whatever thoughts come to your mind, simply acknowledge them and let them go.


Next, think clearly of an animal you wish to communicate with. It could be your own pet, or a stray that you feed regularly, or even an animal who has passed away. Once you know clearly as to who you wish to speak to, you’re ready for your communication.



Now comes the tricky part, the actual conversation. Remember once you ask the question, whatever comes to you as an answer in the form of a thought, feeling, emotion, vision, or audio – accept it wholeheartedly. It will feel as if you’re making it up. That is a normal reaction of our logical mind. The key is to be open to the messages you receive.

Start with a simple question – How are you?
Would you like to speak to me?
Are you happy?
These are a few examples.

Note down your answers for future reference. Thank the animal for talking to you. And that’s it!

Congratulations, you’ve just completed your first communication. Most people find this too easy and hence feel they’re not doing it right. With constant practise we learn to trust what we receive and can get deeper into the conversation.

I hope you enjoyed your first communication. Do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. I’d love to know how it made you feel.

Follow me on my Facebook and Instagram to know more about Intuitive Communication. Keep up the practise.


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