Supporting Animals During Festive Chaos
Festivals are a time of joy, excitement, and celebration for humans. Homes come alive with music, laughter, and lights. However, for animals, the very things we celebrate—noise, change, and increased activity—can become sources of stress and anxiety. Sudden changes in routine, the arrival of guests, loud music, or the frightening sounds of fireworks can overwhelm pets. Even the most confident animals may feel unsettled by the sensory overload and disruption. As caregivers, it’s our responsibility to help them feel safe, understood, and supported during these times. Intuitive animal communication can play a powerful role here. Animals are highly sensitive beings who often rely on our energy and cues to understand the world. By connecting with them intuitively, we can ease their anxiety and create a safe emotional space where they can feel secure. Here are three intuitive messages you can share with your animals to help them cope during festive chaos, along with practical tips to support...